The first step of the training scale that should be established is the rhythm. The rhythm is the regularity of the beat in all paces. The regularity is the correct sequence of the footfall, and, the tempo is the speed of the rhythm. (Have reversed these sentences for logic of reading)
Steps and strides in each variation of the pace should cover equal distances and also be of equal duration remaining in a consistent tempo. The rhythm should also be maintained through the transitions within a pace and in all turns, also in the corners, as well on straight lines. No exercise can be good if the horse is losing the rhythm. A loss of rhythm is often a sign of incorrect training.
In order to judge the correctness of the rhythm, the judge must know how the horse moves in the basic paces.
The Walk
The following walks are recognized: Medium walk, Collected walk, Extended walk and Free walk. (A more detailed description of the walk can be found in the section titled “The Walk”)
The walk is judged by the regularity of the four-beat rhythm, the activity and the variety of the lengths of the steps in the different walks. The movement must flow through the whole body. It is a marching pace in which the footfalls of the horse’s feet follow one another in “four-time” at equal intervals, being well marked and maintained in all work at the walk (including turns on the haunches and half pirouettes).
The legs of the same side should show a “V” for a short moment. When the foreleg and the hind leg on the same side move on almost the same beat, the walk is getting closer to a lateral movement. This irregularity, which might become an ambling movement, is a serious deterioration of the pace.
It is also a fault when the front legs or hind legs show unequal length of steps (stepping long/short in front or behind).
The Trot
The following trots are recognized: Working trot, Lengthening of steps, Collected trot, Medium trot and Extended trot. (A more detailed description of the trot can be found in the selection titled “The Trot”.)
The trot Is a two-beat pace of alternate diagonal legs separated by a moment of suspension.
The quality of the trot is judged by the general impression, i.e. the regularity and the elasticity of the steps, the cadence and impulsion both in collection and extension. This quality originates from a supple back and well-engaged hindquarters, and by the ability to maintain the same rhythm and natural balance within all the variations of the trot and in all transitions.
In collected trot, the horse’s hind feet should step into the hoof prints of the front feet. From working to medium and extended trots, the over-tracking must be increased. The greater The lengthening of the steps that is required, the more lengthening of the frame must be shown as well.
The horse should always move with a supple, swinging back.
The Canter
The following canters are recognized: Working canter, Lengthening of strides, Collected
canter, Medium canter and Extended canter. (A more detailed description of the canter car be found in the section titled “The Canter”.)
The canter is a three-beat pace, followed by a moment of suspension when all four feet are in the air before the next stride begins.
The quality of the canter is judged on the general impression, the regularity and lightness of the three-beat pace – originating from the acceptance of the bridle with a supple poll and the engagement of the hindquarters with an active hock action. The ability to maintain the same rhythm and natural balance is important, even during the transitions within the canter.
An uphill tendency should always be visible and a clear groundcover shown in the extension.
The horse should always remain straight and can be slightly flexed at the poll to the inside.