1. The trot is a two (2)-beat pace of alternate diagonal legs (left fore and right hind leg and vice versa) separated by a moment of suspension.
2. The trot should show free, active and regular steps.
3. The quality of the trot is judged by general impression, i.e. the regularity and elasticity of the steps, the cadence and impulsion in both collection and extension. This quality originates from a supple back and well-engaged hindquarters, and by the ability to maintain the same
rhythm and natural balance with all variations of the trot.
4. The following trots are recognised: Working trot, Lengthening of steps, Collected trot, Medium trot and Extended trot.
4.1. Working trot. This is a pace between the Collected and the Medium trot, in which a Horse’s training is not yet developed enough and ready for collected movements. The Horse shows proper balance and, remaining “on the bit”, goes forward with even, elastic steps and good hock action. The expression “good hock action” underlines the importance of an impulsion originating from the activity of the hindquarters.
4.2. Lengthening of steps. In the test for four (4)-year-old Horses “lengthening of steps” is required. This is a variation between the Working and Medium trot in which a Horse’s training is not developed enough for Medium trot.
4.3. Collected trot. The Horse, remaining “on the bit”, moves forward with the neck raised and arched. The hocks, being well-engaged and flexed, must maintain an energetic impulsion, enabling the shoulders to move with greater mobility, thus demonstrating complete selfcarriage.
Although the Horse’s steps are shorter than in the other trots, elasticity and cadence are not lessened.
4.4. Medium trot. This is a pace of moderate lengthening compared to the Extended trot, but “rounder” than the latter. Without hurrying, the Horse goes forward with clearly lengthened steps and with impulsion from the hindquarters. The Athlete allows the Horse to carry the head a little more in front of the vertical than at the Collected and the Working trot, and to lower the head and neck slightly. The steps should be even, and the whole movement balanced and unconstrained.
4.5. Extended trot. The Horse covers as much ground as possible. Without hurrying, the steps are lengthened to the utmost as a result of great impulsion from the hindquarters. The Athlete allows the Horse to lengthen the frame and to gain ground whilst controlling the poll. The fore feet should touch the ground on the spot towards which they are pointing. The movement of the fore and hind legs should reach equally forward in the moment of extension. The whole movement should be well-balanced and the transition to Collected trot should be smoothly executed by taking more weight on the hindquarters.
5. All trot work is executed “sitting”, unless otherwise indicated in the test.
6. Stretching on a long rein. This exercise gives a clear impression of the “throughness” of the Horse and proves its balance, suppleness, obedience and relaxation. In order to execute the exercise “stretching on a long rein” correctly, the Athlete must lengthen the reins as the Horse stretches gradually forward and downward. As the neck stretches forwards and downwards, the mouth should reach more or less to the horizontal line corresponding with the point of the shoulder. An elastic and consistent contact with the Athlete’s hands must be maintained. The pace must maintain its rhythm, and the Horse should remain light in the shoulders with the hindlegs well-engaged. During the retake of the reins the Horse must accept the contact without resistance in the mouth or poll.
The trot is a pace in two (2)-beat rhythm with four (4) phases (Numbers in circles indicate the beat)